
0. Getting started
1. Search
2. Properties
3. Styles
4. Topics
5. Options
6. Quick notes
7. Reseting the plug-in

8. What Might Go Wrong...

A topic is another kind of tool to associate 'sketches'. It is like a folder, but a folder that contains 'sketches' that belong also to other folders/topics. Yo can use it to distinguish 'sketches', by gender, theme, importance or whatever you want.

'Sketcher' starts with a 'no Topic' that is a container for all non-related 'sketches'. To add a new sketch just click the button. The text box will turn to editable; insert a name for the new topic and click .

To rename a Topic, select it in the list box ( fig.1 ), and press the button. The 'old' name will appear on the text box; edit it and click .

If you want to add a topic to a sketch you must go trough the properties sub-menu; For that visit the Properties chapter on the on-line help.





fig.2 (a topic when selected )

Last Update 19-01-2007